Myproperty – property management app exclusively for Rental Management Australia clients.
Myproperty gives Rental Management Australia clients complete control over their investment property. For their convenience, 'MYproperty' allows clients to check up on all of the latest information about their investment properties at any time that suits them - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter where they are in the world.
Our property managers update the details live, as the property is managed . As a client, whether you're stuck for time during standard business hours, or just like to review your investments late at night, you'll have the latest information from our property managers at your fingertips.
MYproperty provides clients with straightforward, up to date, accurate information about your property at your convenience. The app can also let you know when rent has been paid, when the money has been distributed to clients accounts, property inspection information and reports, pictures, statements etc. Clients can also contact our property management team via the app.
If you own other investment properties around Australia and would like to have them managed by Rental Management Australia and be able to view their details with one log in through the 'MYproperty' App we can arrange this as well,
Not yet a client of Rental Management Australia? If you would like to take advantage of the benefits offered by Myproperty please contact us on 1300 440 166
MyProperty - app manajemen properti eksklusif untuk Rental Management Australia klien.
MyProperty memberikan Rental Management Australia klien kontrol penuh atas properti investasi mereka. Untuk kenyamanan mereka, 'MyProperty' memungkinkan klien untuk memeriksa semua informasi terbaru tentang properti investasi mereka setiap saat yang sesuai dengan mereka - 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu, di mana pun mereka berada di dunia.
Manajer properti kami memperbarui rincian hidup, seperti properti dikelola. Sebagai klien, apakah Anda terjebak untuk waktu selama jam kerja standar, atau hanya ingin meninjau investasi Anda larut malam, Anda akan memiliki informasi terbaru dari manajer properti kami di ujung jari Anda.
MyProperty menyediakan klien dengan mudah, up to date, informasi yang akurat tentang properti Anda pada kenyamanan Anda. Aplikasi ini juga dapat memberitahu Anda ketika sewa telah dibayar, ketika uang telah didistribusikan kepada klien rekening, informasi inspeksi properti dan laporan, gambar, pernyataan, dll Klien dapat juga menghubungi tim manajemen properti kami melalui app.
Jika Anda memiliki properti investasi lainnya di seluruh Australia dan ingin memiliki mereka dikelola oleh Manajemen Rental Australia dan dapat melihat rincian mereka dengan satu log in melalui 'MyProperty' App kita bisa mengatur ini juga,
Belum klien Manajemen Rental Australia? Jika Anda ingin mengambil keuntungan dari manfaat yang ditawarkan oleh MyProperty silahkan hubungi kami di 1300 440 166